
Food blog with recipes from around the world made available to you in French and English. Recettes, d’ici et d’ailleurs, simples à réaliser et disponibles en Français et Anglais.

Sandwich Fromage  Basil  Champignon Portobello

Sandwich Fromage Basil Champignon Portobello

This grilled cheese sandwich provides you with decadence from the cheese and basil, protein from the mushrooms, vitamin C from the red pepper, healthy fat from the olive oil and whole grain.

Inspirée du sandwich grilled cheese mais en plus riche. Obtenez votre vitamin C du poivron rouge, proteins du champignon, decadence du fromage/basil, huile d’olive, et vos céréales en même temps.

For 4 people / Pour 4 personnes

8 tranches de pain de mie ( à base de blé entier) - slices of soft whole grain

1/4 tasse d’huile d’olive (cup of olive oil)

3 large heads of portobello mushrooms

1 red bell pepper (poivron rouge)

8 slices of provolone cheese ( tranches de fromage provolone)

2 small onions or shallots (onions ou échalotes)

8 basil leaves ( feuilles de basilique)



1 tsp of honey (miel)

1 tsp of sriracha sauce

Turn oven on ( 390 F or 200 C)

Slice mushrooms, onions and pepper. Salt , pepper, drizzle with olive oil (mix it all) and bake for 20 min . Flavor with honey and sriracha sauce (adjust level of hotness) and reserve.

Stack in this order - bread, provolone cheese (1 or 2 slices), veggie mixture, basil, bread, generous drizzle of olive oil.

Bake for 7 min and if needed broil for the last 30 seconds to 1 minute.

Muffins aux Zucchini

Muffins aux Zucchini

Crepes aux Oeufs Benedict au Saumon

Crepes aux Oeufs Benedict au Saumon