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Saga Saga, Cassava leaf stew, Pondu, Saka Saka, Mborokhé

Saga saga, pondu, mborokhé or saka saka is hands down one of our favorite stews. It is a delicious, nutritious (high in iron), and rich cassava leaf-based stew hailing from West Africa. I first tried it at a well-known African restaurant in my hometown. I was hooked. A few months later, my sister made it mentioning how excited she was when her mother-in-law cooked it. She was also hooked. We wondered how come we had never tried it. Over the years this recipe became our go-to for batch cooking, celebrations, and during cold winter months (when we do not have access to local fresh veggies as easily as in the summer months). Pondu is a one-pot dish, you literally just have to add ingredients more or less in order and let them simmer. This version is simple and delicious. You can easily make it your own by adding or omitting some of the ingredients.

Video Recipe for Saga Saga, Cassava leaf stew, Pondu, Saka Saka, Mborokhé

cassava leaves sauce, saka saka,pondu, saga saga, mborikhé recipe video made with cassava leave

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